[CS] [masters-presentation] Zhou/MS Presentation/Nov 23, 2020

Tricia Baclawski pbaclawski at uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 23 08:21:51 CST 2020

This is an announcement of Yuhao Zhou's MS Presentation.

Password: 312731

Date:  Monday, November 23, 2020

Time:  2:30 PM

Place:  via zoom

M.S. Candidate:  Yuhao Zhou

M.S. Paper Title: An Empirical Study of OpenStack Reliability

With the explosive growth in the scale of cloud infrastructure in the
last decades, developers keep enhancing cloud management systems that
provide abstractions for configuring cloud infrastructure and public
APIs for users to easily access online services such as compute,
storage, networking, etc. Unfortunately, the more complicated features
offered, the more possibility bugs linger in the large codebase. In
this thesis, we aim to empirically analyze the reliability problems in
OpenStack, an open-source cloud platform system that has been widely
used in the last decades. In particular, we try to improve OpenStack
reliability by studying its failure landscape, understanding OpenStack
internal logical diagram, deploying the fault injection model in the
OpenStack execution environment in Chameleon Cloud, and analyze the
failure information through logging. The preliminary analysis shows
that residual bugs that may cause severe failures in the cloud system,
which leads to prolonged debugging time (even more prolonged outages)
and extra effort from support operators. However, OpenStack does not
provide informative error messages to make this situation better. This
indicates a further opportunity for improving directly inside the
OpenStack source code, which can be part of our future work.

Yuhao's advisor is Prof. Haryadi Gunawi

Login to the Computer Science Department website for details:

Tricia Baclawski
Student Affairs Administrator
Computer Science Department
5730 S. Ellis - Room 350
Chicago, IL 60637
pbaclawski at uchicago.edu
(773) 702-6854
/pronouns: she, her, hers/

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