[CS] [masters-presentation] Rochman/MS Presentation/Nov 23, 2020

Tricia Baclawski pbaclawski at uchicago.edu
Fri Nov 6 12:21:21 CST 2020

This is an announcement of Muhammad Rochman's MS Presentation.

Password: 668315

Date:  Monday, November 23, 2020

Time:  2:30 PM

Place:  via zoom

M.S. Candidate:  Muhammad Rochman

M.S. Paper Title: Measurement of Hidden Node Problem in a
Real-Deployment of LAA and Wi-Fi Coexistence

Small-cell LTE and Wi-Fi networks are currently deployed in the
unlicensed 5 GHz bands globally due to the standardization of
unlicensed access in LTE. This standard called LTE Licensed Assisted
Access (LTE-LAA) is created to address coexistence challenges with
Wi-Fi, a very different radio access technology, through the
incorporation of sensing and backoff features similar to Wi-Fi. The
success of LAA’s fair and efficient coexistence with Wi-Fi can be
considered a benchmark for collaborative cellular operation in
unlicensed bands. However, we discovered a hidden node scenario in a
real deployment of T-Mobile LAA when coexisting with the Wi-Fi APs
that we deployed at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)
university campus. In this setup, we observed the Wi-Fi client
association and inefficient data transmission problem when it tries to
connect to its corresponding Wi-Fi APs. As LAA is unaware of the Wi-Fi
AP’s transmission (low transmission power received at LAA BS), LAA BS
continuously transmits with maximum transmission opportunity time,
thus highly impacting Wi-Fi performance.

Muhammad's advisors are Prof. Janos Simon and Prof. Monisha Ghosh

Login to the Computer Science Department website for details:

Tricia Baclawski
Student Affairs Administrator
Computer Science Department
5730 S. Ellis - Room 350
Chicago, IL 60637
pbaclawski at uchicago.edu
(773) 702-6854
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