[CS] Reminder: [candidacy-exam] Jean Salac's Candidacy Exam on Dec 7, 2020

Tricia Baclawski pbaclawski at uchicago.edu
Thu Dec 3 16:10:51 CST 2020

This is a reminder announcement of Jean Salac's Candidacy Exam.

Password: K-12CSEd

Jean Salac's Candidacy Exam will be held on Monday, Dec 7, 2020 at
10:30 AM in via zoom.

The topic is Beyond Child's Play: Understanding & Supporting Program
Comprehension in Young Learners, and the exam materials are available
at the link below.

Jean's advisor is Prof. Diana Franklin

Login to the Computer Science Department website for details:

Tricia Baclawski
Student Affairs Administrator
Computer Science Department
5730 S. Ellis - Room 350
Chicago, IL 60637
pbaclawski at uchicago.edu
(773) 702-6854
/pronouns: she, her, hers/

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