[Colloquium] Van Tran MS Presentation/May 7, 2024

Megan Woodward meganwoodward at uchicago.edu
Mon May 6 07:45:07 CDT 2024

This is an announcement of Van Tran's MS Presentation
Candidate: Van Tran

Date: Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Time:  2 pm CT

Location: JCL 356

Title: Measuring Compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act Over Space and Time

Abstract: The widespread sharing of consumers’ personal information with
third parties raises significant privacy concerns. The California
Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) mandates that online businesses
offer consumers the ability to opt out of the sale and sharing of
personal information. Our study automatically tracks the presence
of the opt-out link longitudinally across multiple states after the
California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) went into effect. We cate-
gorize websites based on whether they are subject to CCPA and
investigate cases of potential non-compliance. We find a number
of websites that implement the opt-out link early and across all
examined states but also find a significant number of CCPA-subject
websites that fail to offer any opt-out methods even when CCPA is
in effect. Our findings can shed light on how websites are reacting
to the CCPA and identify potential gaps in compliance and opt-
out method designs that hinder consumers from exercising CCPA
opt-out rights.

Advisors: Nick Feamster

Committee Members: Marshini Chetty, Nick Feamster, and Lior Strahilevitz

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