[Colloquium] Will Brackenbury Dissertation Defense/Apr 27, 2022

Megan Woodward meganwoodward at uchicago.edu
Tue Apr 26 08:12:36 CDT 2022

This is an announcement of Will Brackenbury's Dissertation Defense.
Candidate: Will Brackenbury

Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Time:  1 pm CST

Location: JCL 298

Title: Semi-Automated Tooling for File Management in Personal Cloud Storage

Abstract: In this dissertation, we investigate file collections in personal cloud storage and design semi-automated tools to support file management in that setting. We do so in three main investigations. In the first, we examine research participants’ perceptions of file pairs in their Google Drive accounts. In the second, we conduct two online user studies asking participants to organize their Google Drive accounts in order to investigate real-time file management and evaluate the tool we developed to assist file management, KondoCloud. In the last, we proposed and evaluated a new format for summarizing groups of file management recommendations. Throughout our investigations, we find that developing more complex support for file management is generally feasible. We conclude by discussing the implications for future designs of file management tools.

Advisors: Aaron Elmore and Blase Ur

Committee Members: Aaron Elmore, Kyle Chard, Blase Ur, and Raul Castro Fernandez

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