[Colloquium] 4/6 3DL Talk: Ruben Wiersma, University of Technology Delft, Netherlands

Holly Santos hsantos at uchicago.edu
Mon Apr 4 13:04:50 CDT 2022

Ruben Wiersma
PhD Student
University of Technology Delft, Netherlands

Wednesday, April 6th
11 AM - 12:30 PM
Remote: Zoom<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/89222884685__;!!BpyFHLRN4TMTrA!oE5LUAJf-C90WRH38BjpAZZPZ4orBKo4Lk89HRA44yJSh4lWHgqaW3n4WK-PoJnwEQ$>
In Person: John Crerar Library, Room 346
DeltaConv: Anisotropic Geometric Deep Learning with Exterior Calculus

Learning from 3D data with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has rapidly gained momentum, motivated by the success of CNNs on images and the increased availability of 3D data. In this talk, we discuss how to construct anisotropic convolutions that work directly on surfaces. This is challenging because of the lack of a global coordinate system for tangential directions on surfaces. We'll take an in-depth look at DeltaConv, a convolution operator for point clouds that builds on well known geometric operators from vector calculus. Because these operators are defined on scalar- and vector-fields, the convolutions separate into a scalar- and a vector-stream. The vector stream enables the network to explicitly represent, evaluate, and process directional information. DeltaConv is robust and simple to implement and shows improved accuracy compared to state-of-the-art approaches on several benchmarks, while also speeding up training and inference.

Bio: Ruben Wiersma is a third-year PhD student at the Computer Graphics and Visualization group at the University of Technology Delft. In his research he seeks to connect computer graphics- and geometry processing techniques to applications in machine learning and painting analysis. Ruben is advised by Dr. Klaus Hildebrandt and supervised by Prof. Elmar Eisemann and Prof. Joris Dik. Outside of research, Ruben enjoys playing the piano, biking, and walking in the (flat) outdoors of the Netherlands.

Host: Rana Hanocka

Holly Santos
Executive Assistant to Michael J. Franklin, Chairman
Department of Computer Science
The University of Chicago
5730 S Ellis Ave-217   Chicago, IL 60637
P: 773-834-8977
hsantos at uchicago.edu<mailto:hsantos at uchicago.edu>

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