[Colloquium] CS Seminar March 9: Aloni Cohen, Boston University

Sandra Wallace swallace at cs.uchicago.edu
Tue Mar 2 07:21:39 CST 2021


Aloni Cohen
Boston University

Tuesday, March 9th at 1:00 pm

Join via zoom (enables questions):
https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/97506302620?pwd=WHlTMHRWMXFFRVU3eDJlQUhKdmpDUT09 <https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/97506302620?pwd=WHlTMHRWMXFFRVU3eDJlQUhKdmpDUT09>
Passcode:  uccs2021

Watch via live stream:
http://live.cs.uchicago.edu/alonicohen/ <http://live.cs.uchicago.edu/alonicohen/>

Title:  Rigorous Foundations for Technology Law and Policy

Abstract: Seriously engaging with law and policy exposes new computer science research directions that have policy consequences. My work aims to understand and resolve the tensions between the theory of privacy and cryptography on the one hand and the privacy laws that govern its eventual real-world context. In this talk, I'll describe work that tackles three broad questions: How can we bridge the basic concepts of data privacy in computer science and law? How can privacy theory have a positive impact on policy? How can we incorporate legal powers and constraints into our cryptographic threat models for better cryptography? 

Bio:  Aloni Cohen is a Postdoctoral Associate at Boston University, with a joint appointment at the Hariri Institute for Computing and the School of Law. His research explores the interplay between theoretical cryptography, privacy, law, and policy. Aloni earned his PhD in electrical engineering and computer science at MIT where he was advised by Shafi Goldwasser and supported by a Facebook Fellowship and an NSF Graduate Student Fellowship. Aloni is a former affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and a Fellow at the Aspen Tech Policy Hub.

Host:  Ben Zhao
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