[Colloquium] [masters-presentation] Zhang/MS Presentation/Aug 26, 2020

Nita Yack nitayack at cs.uchicago.edu
Thu Jul 30 07:26:19 CDT 2020

This is an announcement of Renyu Zhang's MS Presentation.

Meeting ID: 690 426 8927 Passcode: 784724

Date:  Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Time:  2:00 PM

Place:  Via Zoom

M.S. Candidate:  Renyu Zhang

M.S. Paper Title: Evaluating and interpreting caption prediction for
histopathology images

The automatic generation of captions from medical images can provide
for an efficient way to annotate histopathology images with natural
language descriptions. Such large-scale annotation of medical images
may help facilitate image retrieval tasks and standardize clinical
ontologies. In this work, we focus on developing and methodically
evaluating a new caption generation framework for histopathology
whole-slide images. We introduce PathCap, a deep learning multi-scale
framework, to predict captions from histopathology images using
multi-scale views of whole-slide images. We demonstrate that our
framework outperforms a standard baseline caption model on a diverse
set of human tissues and provides interpretable contextual cues for
understanding predicted captions. Finally, we draw attention to a
novel dataset of histopathology images with captions from the
Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project, providing a valuable
dataset for the machine learning and healthcare community to benchmark
future caption prediction and interpretation methods.

Renyu's advisor is Prof. Robert Grossman

Login to the Computer Science Department website for details:

For any questions please contact the following people:
Nita Yack: nitayack at cs.uchicago.edu
Rene Noyola: rnoyola at uchicago.edu

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