[Colloquium] CDAC Data Therapy Series, Begins August 8th

Rob Mitchum rmitchum at uchicago.edu
Thu Aug 1 16:01:16 CDT 2019

The Center for Data and Computing <http://cdac.uchicago.edu> (CDAC) hopes
you are having a great summer! To keep the data science rolling during
these hot months, we're piloting a new series with the Research Computing
Center <http://rcc.uchicago.edu> called *Data Therapy*. These hour-long
gatherings are meant to be a very informal introduction to a new and useful
data science tool, led by a UChicago researcher who has used it in their
work. The sessions are open to all faculty, students and staff at the

If you're interested in text analysis, spatial data science, collaborative
and reproducible code, or just want to hang out with the UChicago data
science community, come by the RCC Visualization Lab
<https://rcc.uchicago.edu/resources/visualization> in the John Crerar
Library on the following Thursday afternoons, starting at 3:30 PM:

*August 8: Eamon Duede, Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of
Science and Philosophy*

How to use shallow neural network *Word Embeddings* to capture the context
of science, scholarship, and society

*August 22: Marynia Kolak, Center for Spatial Data Science*
How to extend dimension reduction and multivariate clustering techniques
for spatial data in *GeoDa*, with *PostGIS* and *R* connections

*September 5: Peter Carbonetto, Research Computing Center*
How we use *git*, *GitHub*, *R Markdown* and a new *R* package, *workflowr*,
to encourage collaboration and develop reproducible research code

*Location*: The Visualization Lab is located in the Media Arts, Data, and
Design Center on the first floor of the John Crerar Library, 5730 S. Ellis
Avenue. We'll provide refreshments. Hope to see you there!

[image: data-therapy-poster.png]

*Rob Mitchum*

*Associate Director of Communications for Data Science and Computing*
*University of Chicago*
*rmitchum at uchicago.edu <rmitchum at ci.uchicago.edu>*
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