[Colloquium] Reminder: Holmes/MS Presentation/Oct 10, 2018

Margaret Jaffey via Colloquium colloquium at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 2 09:17:59 CDT 2018

This is an announcement of Adam Holmes's MS Presentation.

Date:  Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Time:  12:00 PM

Place:  John Crerar Library 298

M.S. Candidate:  Adam Holmes

M.S. Paper Title: Mapping and Scheduling Magic State Distillation
Circuits for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Architectures

Quantum computers have recently made great strides and are on a
long-term path towards useful fault-tolerant computation. A dominant
overhead in fault-tolerant quantum com- putation is the production of
high-fidelity encoded qubits, called magic states, which en- able
reliable error-corrected computation. We present the first detailed
designs of hardware functional units that implement space-time
optimized magic-state factories for surface code error-corrected
machines. Interactions among distant qubits require surface code
braids (physical pathways on chip) which must be routed. Magic-state
factories are circuits comprised of a complex set of braids that is
more difficult to route than quantum circuits considered in previous
work [28]. This paper explores the impact of scheduling techniques,
such as gate reordering and qubit re- naming, and we propose two novel
mapping techniques: braid repulsion and dipole moment braid rotation.
We combine these techniques with graph partitioning and community
detec- tion algorithms, and further introduce a stitching algorithm
for mapping subgraphs onto a physical machine. Our results show a
factor of 5.64 reduction in space-time volume compared to the
best-known previous designs for magic-state factories.

Adam's advisor is Prof. Frederic Chong

Login to the Computer Science Department website for details:

Margaret P. Jaffey            margaret at cs.uchicago.edu
Department of Computer Science
Student Support Rep (Ry 156)               (773) 702-6011
The University of Chicago      http://www.cs.uchicago.edu

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