[Colloquium] Reminder: Hyun/MS Presentation/Dec 1, 2017

Margaret Jaffey via Colloquium colloquium at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu
Thu Nov 30 14:12:31 CST 2017

This is a reminder about Maria's MS Presentation tomorrow.

Date:  Friday, December 1, 2017

Time:  3:00 PM

Place:  Eckhart 117

M.S. Candidate:  Maria Hyun

M.S. Paper Title: Retrospective File Management for Privacy and
Security in Cloud Storage Services

Users have accumulated years of personal data in cloud storage,
creating potential privacy and security risks. This agglomeration
includes files retained or shared with others simply out of momentum,
rather than intention. We presented 100 online survey participants
with a stratified sample of 10 files currently stored in their own
Dropbox or Google Drive accounts. We asked about the origin of each
file, whether the participant remembered that file was stored there,
and, when applicable, about that file's sharing status. We also
recorded participants' preferences moving forward for keeping,
deleting, or encrypting those files, as well as adjusting sharing
settings. Participants had forgotten that half of the files they saw
were in the cloud. Participants recalled that 50.6% of the files they
saw in the study were stored in the cloud. Participants did not
recognize 13.5\% of the files they saw. Participants recognized the
remaining 35.9\%, but had forgotten that the file was stored in the
cloud. Moreover, out of the ten files we asked about, the median
number of files the subject remembered storing to their cloud account
was five. Overall, 83% of participants wanted to delete at least one
file they saw, while 13% wanted to unshare at least one file. 81% of
participants responded that it was important to keep at least one of
the ten presented files safe from unauthorized access, yet they had
forgotten that file was stored in the cloud. Our combined results
suggest directions for retrospective cloud data management.

Maria's advisor is Prof. Blase Ur

Login to the Computer Science Department website for details:

Margaret P. Jaffey            margaret at cs.uchicago.edu
Department of Computer Science
Student Support Rep (Ry 156)               (773) 702-6011
The University of Chicago      http://www.cs.uchicago.edu

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