[Colloquium] Seminar Announcement: Spatial Data Science in a CyberGIS Era

Ninfa Mayorga ninfa at uchicago.edu
Wed May 6 16:18:44 CDT 2015

Computation Institute Presentation

Speaker:  Luc Anselin, PhD, Regents' Professor and Walter Isard Chair; Director, GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation; School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University
Host:  James Evans
Date:  May 11, 2015
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM 
Location: The University of Chicago, Searle 240A, 5735 S. Ellis Ave. 
Title: Spatial Data Science in a CyberGIS Era


This talk focuses on a number of important computational aspects associated with the implementation of spatial data science functionality in software. It provides a brief overview of the evolution of software, particularly my own efforts which include SpaceStat in the 1990s and GeoDa and PySAL in the more recent past. Particular attention is paid to our current work on moving such capability from the desktop to a cyberinfrastructure environment, or CyberGIS. This involves refining/developing new algorithms, parallelization, provenance and metadata tracking and managing a web services infrastructure. The talk concludes with an illustration of a prototype for the latest GeoDa-Web cloud implementation for exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial regression.

Information: Lunch will be provided.

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