[Colloquium] TODAY! Seminar Announcement: How to expand the Galaxy from the genes to the earth in six simple steps (and live happy)

Ninfa Mayorga ninfa at uchicago.edu
Fri Feb 27 08:55:38 CST 2015

Computation Institute Presentation - Data Lunch Seminar (DLS)

Speaker: Raffaele Montella,  Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Technology, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
Host:  Tanu Malik and Kyle Chard
Date:  February 27, 2015
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Location: University of Chicago, Searle 240A, 5735 S. Ellis Ave.

Title:  How to expand the Galaxy from the genes to the earth in six simple steps (and live happy)

FACE-IT is an effort to develop a new IT infrastructure to accelerate existing disciplinary research and enable information transfer among traditionally separate fields. At present, finding data and processing it into usable form can dominate research efforts. By providing ready access to not only data but also the software tools used to process it for specific uses (e.g., climate impact and economic model inputs), FACE-IT allows researchers to concentrate their efforts on analysis. Lowering barriers to data access allows researchers to stretch in new directions and allows researchers to learn and respond to the needs of other fields. FACE-IT builds on the Globus Galaxies platform, which has been developed over the past several years at the University of Chicago. FACE-IT also benefit from substantial software development undertaken by the communities who have developed most of the domain-specific tools required to populate FACE-IT with useful capabilities. The FACE-IT Galaxy manages earth system datatypes (as NetCDF), new tool parameters (dates, map, opendap), aggregated datatypes (RAFT), service providers and cool map visualizers.
Raffaele Montella works as assistant professor, with tenure, in Computer Science at Department of Science and Technology, School of Science and Technology, University “Parthenope” of Naples, Italy since 2005. He got his degree (MSc equivalent) in (Marine) Environmental Science at the “Parthenope” University of Naples in 1998 defending a thesis about the “Development of a GIS system for marine applications” scoring with laude and an award mention to his study career. He defended his PhD thesis about “Environmental modeling and Grid Computing techniques” earning the PhD in Marine Science and Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II.

The research main topics and the scientific production are focused on tools for high performance computing, such as grid, cloud and GPUs with applications in the field of computational environmental science (multidimensional big data/distributed computing for modeling and scientific workflows which most notable contribute is in Face-IT Galaxy) leveraging on his previous (and still ongoing) experiences in embedded/mobile/wearable/pervasive computing and internet of things.
Information:  Lunch will be provided

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