[Colloquium] Seminar Announcement: An Introduction to UX - TODAY!

Ninfa Mayorga ninfa at ci.uchicago.edu
Fri Nov 11 08:24:17 CST 2011

Computation Institute- Data Lunch Seminar (DLS)

Speaker: Vytas Cuplinskas, User Experience Manager, Computation Institute
Host: Tanu Malik 
Date: November 11, 2011
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Location: University of Chicago, Searle 240A, 5735 S. Ellis Avenue

An Introduction to UX

Every day we wake up and set out on our daily journey, we interact with objects, processes and services. Some bring joy, others cause minor or major frustrations. But more often than not these interactions tend toward the uneventful. It's the exceptions that we take note of-both good and bad. Some of these experiences have been painstakingly crafted, while others have been slapped together without a second thought. Not surprisingly, there is a discipline that is working to improve our experiences-UX. What is UX? Do I need UX? Why should I care about UX? Is there a difference between UX and usability? Join us for a great opportunity to gain some insight into the rapidly growing field of UX, and learn what users are looking for in their experiences, especially as it relates to Internet based products and services.

Information: Lunch will be provided

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