[Colloquium] TTIC Talk: Ohad Shamir, Hebrew University

Julia MacGlashan macglashan at tti-c.org
Tue Feb 16 16:05:29 CST 2010

When:             *Tuesday, Feb 23@ 11:00am*

Where:           * TTI-C Conference Room #526*, 6045 S Kenwood Ave

Who:              * **Ohad Shamir*, Hebrew University

Title:          *      **When Quantity makes Quality: Learning with
Information Constraints***

 In standard learning models, it is assumed that the learner has a complete
and fully available training set at hand. However, in many real-world
applications, obtaining full information on the training examples is
expensive, illegal, or downright impossible. In this talk, I will discuss
some new methods to learn in such information-constrained settings. These
range from learning with only a few available features from each example;
through coping with extremely noisy access to the data; to
privacy-preserving learning. The underlying theme is that by gathering less
information on more examples, one can be provably competitive with learning
mechanisms which enjoy full access to the data. Along the way, I'll describe
some novel techniques which might be of interest in their own right.

The talk is based on some recent joint works with Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi and
Shai Shalev-Shwartz.

Host:              Ambuj Tewari, tewari at ttic.edu
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