[Colloquium] TTI-C Talk Tomorrow: Parikshit Gopalan, University of Washington

Julia MacGlashan macglashan at tti-c.org
Tue Mar 4 08:33:49 CST 2008

When:             Wed, Mar 5, 2008 @ 10:00 am


Where:            TTI-C Conference Room


Who:               Parikshit Gopalan, University of Washington


Topic:             Fitting Polynomials to Noisy Data



The problem of finding the polynomial that best fits a noisy data-set (or
polynomial reconstruction) has a long history, dating back to curve-fitting
problems studied in the 1800s. In the last two decades, there has been
tremendous progress on this problem in computer science, driven by the
discovery of powerful new algorithms. These results have spurred exciting
new developments in Coding theory, Computational learning, Cryptography and
Hardness of Approximation. In this talk, we will explore this problem from
the perspectives of Coding theory and Computational learning. 


We begin with an algorithm for decoding a well-studied family of binary
error-correcting codes called Reed-Muller codes, which are obtained from
low-degree polynomials. The salient feature of this algorithm is that it
works even when the number of errors far exceeds the so-called Johnson


I will present an algorithm for agnostically learning decision trees under
the uniform distribution. This is the first polynomial time algorithm for
learning decision trees in a harsh noise model. This algorithm solves the
reconstruction problem for real polynomials using tools from convex


I will also discuss settings where the reconstruction problem seems
intractable. We will see evidence that the notorious Noisy Parity problem is
hard under the uniform distribution. We will present hardness results
suggesting that learning simple concepts with noise is impossible for
arbitrary distributions.


Contact:          Julia Chuzhoy, TTI-C         cjulia at tti-c.org



About Parikshit Gopalan:


Parikshit Gopalan grew up in India in the city of Bombay (now called
Mumbai). He graduated with an undergraduate degree from IIT-Bombay (whose
name, thankfully, has not changed). He received his Ph.D from Georgia Tech
in August 2006, under the guidance of Dick Lipton. Following this, he did a
short stint as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Texas at
Austin. He is currently a postdoc at the University of Washington, visiting
Princeton University. 


His research focuses on theoretical computer science, especially on
algebraic problems arising from algorithms and complexity. He also likes to
dabble in other areas such as Data-stream algorithms and Communication


His website is: http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/parik



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