[Colloquium] Monday, April 11, 2005 V. Ramasubramanian, Cornell University

Nita Yack nitayack at midway.uchicago.edu
Wed Mar 30 08:46:11 CST 2005


Monday, April 11, 2005

2:30 p.m.

Ryerson 251


Venugopalan Ramasubramanian,

Cornell University



Title:Building High Performance Scalable Infrastructure Services through

        Analysis-driven Caching


Abstract.Caching in distributed systems has been traditionally 
performed in an ad-hoc manner; nodes opportunistically cache objects 
that they encounter using

heuristics for cache management. In this talk, I will describe a novel 
form of caching, where objects are proactively replicated based on an 
analysis of performance trade-offs. Analysis-driven caching poses the 
fundamental trade-off between performance and overhead as an 
optimization problem, determines the optimal caching strategy through 
numerical algorithms, and replicates objects using inexpensive 
distributed protocols. I will present Honeycomb, an analysis-driven 
caching framework for structured overlays, which provides an order of 
magnitude improvement in lookup performance, from O (log N) to O (1), 
with minimal network and storage overhead.


Honeycomb has been used to build three infrastructure services, a name 
service to replace the current Domain Name System (DNS), a content 
distribution network, and a publish-subscribe based aggregator for Web 
MicroNews. In this talk, I will present performance evaluations of 
these services deployed on Planet-Lab to show that they provide better 
lookup latency than legacy services, adapt quickly to sudden upheavals 
in query distribution, and quickly disseminate updates to objects.

Nita Yack
Departmental Administrator
Computer Science Department
1100 E. 58th Street - Room 151
Chicago, IL 60637
(773) 702-6019

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