[Colloquium] von Ahn talk today 12:15 at TTI

Meridel Trimble mtrimble at tti-c.org
Thu May 13 09:23:42 CDT 2004


Speaker: Luis von Ahn
Carnegie Mellon University
Speaker 's Homepage: http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~biglou/

Time: Thursday, May 13th 2004, 12:15 p.m.
Place: TTI-C (1427 E. 60th St. – 2nd Floor)
Title: The ESP Game

Computer programs cannot yet understand arbitrary images. We present a method
that can assign meaningful and accurate word descriptions to any image.
Attaching such descriptions to images on the Web would allow for more accurate
image search engines, would improve the accessibility of sites (by providing
descriptions of images to visually impaired individuals), and would help Web
browsers block pornography. Our system is simple and will allow us to label all
images on the Web extremely fast and inexpensively.

No knowledge of computer vision techniques (or of anything else) is required for
this talk.

If you have questions, or would like to meet the speaker, please contact 
Meridel at 4-9873 or mtrimble at tti-c.org 
For information on future TTI-C talks or events, please go to the TTI-C Events 
page: http://www.tti-c.org/events.shtml

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