[Colloquium] Traub talk today 2:45 at TTI

Meridel Trimble mtrimble at tti-c.org
Wed May 5 09:22:39 CDT 2004


Speaker: Joseph F. Traub
Speaker 's Homepage:  Columbia University

Time: Wednesday, May 5th 2004, 2:45p.m.
Place: TTI-C (1427 E. 60th St. – 2nd Floor)

Title: Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems on Quantum Computers

Abstract: For four decades advances in computation have been made possible by 
Moore's Law. It is generally believed that Moore's Law using current 
technologies will end in one to two decades because of both physical and 
economic limits. One candidate for the future is quantum computation.

There are two major reasons for studying continuous problems on a quantum 

--Many problems in science, economics, finance and engineering have continuous 
mathematical models. In particular, formulations of quantum mechanics such as 
Schroedinger's equation and path integration are continuous.

--To establish a problem's quantum speedup, one must know the problem's 
classical computational complexity. The classical complexity of many 
continuous problems is known. This may be contrasted to discrete problems, 
such as factorization, where the classical complexity is unknown.

We are developing algorithms for solving important continuous models which are 
difficult to solve on classical computers and which have large theoretical 
speedups on quantum computers. We seek quantum algorithms which require only a 
modest number of qubits.

Future research directions will be indicated.

If you have questions, or would like to meet the speaker, please contact 
Meridel at 4-9873 or mtrimble at tti-c.org 
For information on future TTI-C talks or events, please go to the TTI-C Events 
page: http://www.tti-c.org/events.shtml

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Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

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