[Colloquium] Talwar talk today 12:15 at TTI

Meridel Trimble mtrimble at tti-c.org
Thu Apr 8 09:56:31 CDT 2004


Speaker: Kunal Talwar

Speaker’s homepage: Speaker 's Homepage: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~kunal/

Thursday, April 8th 2004
Toyota Technological Institute - Chicago, 12:15 p.m.

Title: Approximating metrics by simpler metrics: Why and how?  

The traveling salesman problem is NP-hard, as are several other optimization
problems such as group steiner tree and k-server. On the other hand, many such
problems are easy to solve when the underlying graph is simple, say a tree. A
natural approach to get approximately optimal solutions for the above problems
is to approximate the shortest path metric on the input graph by a simpler
metric and solve the problem on the resulting instance.

We show how to approximate any graph metric by a distribution over trees, such
that internode distances are preserved up to a logarithmic factor (in
expectation). This settles a long open question and gives simpler and improved
approximation algorithms for several problems. We also show how our techniques
lead to a quasi-polynomial approximation scheme for the traveling salesman
problem on low-dimensional metrics. 

If you have questions, or would like to meet the speaker, please contact Meridel
at 4-9873 or mtrimble at tti-c.org
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