ColloquiaTalk by BANU OZDEN on November 6

Margery Ishmael marge at
Wed Oct 30 14:37:33 CST 2002



Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2002 at 2:30 p.m. in Ryerson 251


Director of Computing Research Department
Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ

Title: Storage Networking and Services

Abstract: Storage management is a complex and expensive task.
The new storage networking technologies will make it possible to
move the storage devices to remote sites and to provide storage as
a service. This provides a way to shield users from the complexity
of in-house storage management, while providing cost savings and
reliability improvements via the aggregation of storage into large,
special-purpose facilities. A number of challenges need to be
addressed to make this storage networking paradigm viable.
In this talk, we provide an introduction to the emerging storage
networking technologies and services, followed by an experimental
performance study we conducted to evaluate the viability of storage
outsourcing. We measured the performance of I/O benchmarks
accessing a remote block-level storage system. We used benchmarks
that represent a variety of workloads, running on several operating
systems and file systems. Network latencies represent distances
ranging from a local neighborhood to halfway across a continent.
We varied the network loss characteristics to correspond with the
conditions of either dedicated fiber or shared internet. We examined
the effectiveness of latency-hiding techniques, such as caching,
application prefetching, and asynchronous writes. We conclude that
remote storage is viable for a wide variety of active workloads, and we
identify areas where new techniques could provide significant additional
performance enhancement.

Bio: Banu Ozden is the Director of the Computing Systems Research
Department in the Information Sciences Research Center at
Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey.  She received her Ph.D
from the University of Texas, at Austin.  Her research interests include
network storage, storage networking, storage systems, multimedia
systems, operating systems, distributed systems and real-time systems.

HOST: Ridgway Scott

*The talk will be followed by refreshments in Ryerson 255*

Persons who need assistance should call 773.834.8977

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