ColloquiaTalk by Michael Langberg - Monday, November 4, 2002

Margery Ishmael marge at
Tue Oct 22 11:58:33 CDT 2002



Monday, November 4, 2002 at 2:30 p.m. in Ryerson 251


Speaker: MICHAEL LANGBERG, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Title: "Graphs with tiny vector chromatic numbers and huge chromatic numbers"

Abstract: Karger, Motwani and Sudan (JACM 1998) introduced the notion of a 
coloring of a graph. In particular they show that every $k$-colorable graph 
is also vector $k$-colorable, and that for constant $k$, graphs that are 
vector $k$-colorable can be colored by roughly $\Delta^{1 - 2/k}$ colors. 
Here $\Delta$ is the maximum degree in the graph. Their results
play a major role in the best approximation algorithms for coloring and for 
maximal independent set.

We show that for every positive integer $k$ there are graphs that are 
vector $k$-colorable but do not have independent sets significantly larger 
than $n/\Delta^{1 - 2/k}$ (and hence cannot be colored with significantly 
less that $\Delta^{1 - 2/k}$ colors). For $k = O(\log n/\log\log n)$ we
show vector $k$-colorable graphs that do not have independent sets of size 
$(\log n)^c$, for some constant $c$. This shows that the vector chromatic 
number does not approximate the chromatic number within factors better than 
$n/{\mbox{polylog}} n$. As part of our proof, we analyze ``property 
testing'' algorithms that distinguish between graphs that have an 
independent set of size $n/k$, and graphs that are ``far'' from having such 
an independent set. Our bounds on the sample size improve previous bounds 
of Goldreich, Goldwasser and Ron (JACM 1998) for this problem.   Joint work with U. Feige and G. Schechtman.

HOST: Janos Simon

*The talk will be followed by refreshments in Ryerson 255*

If you would like to meet with the speaker, please send e-mail to 
marge at
Persons who need assistance should call 773.834.8977

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