Revised: Dissertation Defense/Alain Roy/Feb. 13

Margaret Jaffey margaret at
Tue Feb 6 10:45:18 CST 2001

This is a revised announcement of Mr. Roy's dissertation defense.  It 
includes the abstract and location.  Also, please note that a draft 
copy of his dissertation is now available for viewing purposes in my 
office, Ry 161A.

Margaret Jaffey

	Department of Computer Science/The University of Chicago

		      1100 E. 58th Street, Ryerson Hall


Candidate:  Alain Roy

Defense Date:  Tuesday, February 13, 2001

Time:  12:00 Noon

Location:  Research Institutes, Room 464.

Dissertation Title:  "End-to-end Quality of Service for High-End Applications"

Applications demonstrate increasingly voracious appetites, consuming 
ever more resources. When high-performance applications are required 
to share networks, computers, and disks with other applications, 
their performance suffers. When the resources can not be increased, 
applications must either adapt or the resources must be able to 
guarantee better performance to some applications. This latter 
solution is known as Quality of Service, or QoS.

I will present my work on providing QoS for applications that require 
high-performance. The QoS is called end-to-end QoS because it 
involves not only the traditional network QoS, but various types of 
CPU and disk QoS. My work has three important contributions: I have 
added to the understanding of the mechanisms used to provide QoS, I 
have developed an innovative and extensible architecture to provide 
uniform access to QoS, and I have created new methods to simplify 
using QoS, to enable people to take easily advantage of these new 

Candidate's Advisor:  Prof. Ian Foster

The dissertation may be viewed at:, and is also 
available in paper form in Ry 161A.

The defense will be held in an "access grid node" with video 
conferencing.  Mr. Roy has provided this URL for more information:

Everyone is welcome to attend  Mr. Roy's defense.  A revised announcement will
be available soon with the location and abstract.
Margaret P. Jaffey			margaret at
Department of Computer Science
Student Support Rep (Ry 161A)		(773) 702-6011
The University of Chicago
Margaret P. Jaffey			margaret at
Department of Computer Science
Student Support Rep (Ry 161A)		(773) 702-6011
The University of Chicago

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