ColloquiaReminder: Colloquium - Ed Seidel, Max-Planck Institute at 2:30 today

Margery Ishmael marge at
Fri Apr 13 10:45:01 CDT 2001

Friday, April 13 at 2:30 p.m. in Ryerson 251

Head of Numerical Relativity Group

Title:  Cactus and Dynamic Grid Computing

The Grid has the potential to fundamentally change the way science 
and engineering are done.  Aggregate power of computing resources 
connected by networks of the Grid exceeds that of any single 
supercomputer by many orders of magnitude.  At the same time, our 
ability to carry out computations of the scale and level of detail 
required, for example,  to study the Universe, or simulate a rocket 
engine, are severely constrained by available computing power. Hence, 
such applications should be one of the main driving forces behind the 
development of Grid computing.  I will discuss some large scale 
applications,  including simulations of colliding black holes, and 
show how they are driving the development of collaborative and Grid 
computing technology.  Applications are already being developed that 
are not only aware of their needs, but also of the resources 
available to them on the Grid.  They will be able to adapt themselves 
automatically to respond to their changing needs, to spawn off tasks 
on other resources, and to adapt to the changing characteristics of 
the Grid including machine and network loads and availability.   I 
will discuss a number of innovative scenarios for computing on the 
Grid enabled by such technologies,  and demonstrate how close these 
are to being a reality.

*The talk will be followed by refreshments in Ryerson 255*
Margery Ishmael
Department of Computer Science
The University of Chicago
1100 E. 58th Street
Chicago, IL. 60637

Tel. 773-834-8977  Fax. 773-702-8487

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